Agents of Discovery with Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve

Petroglyphs on a boulder

Agents of Discovery is an augmented reality app that gets you active and engaged in learning about the world around you. Join the Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve to download the app to learn more about the 47-acre nature preserve featuring over 1500 petroglyphs and the cultures that utilized the space.

Location information

Campus: Tempe
Location type: Lawn
Indoors or outdoors: Outdoors

Other details

Zone: Zone A: Tempe

Area of Interest graphic

Area of Interest

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Target Age Group

All ages


School of Human Evolution and Social Change

College or Department

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is at the core of success and discovery at Arizona State University. As the academic heart of the university, The College educates and supports the largest and most diverse student population. Here, innovative schools and departments within our humanities, natural sciences and social sciences divisions drive transformative efforts and amplify diverse voices in our community. Students of all ages and backgrounds graduate as socially aware, critical thinkers with the tools and mindset to succeed in their future careers and also in their community and day-to-day life.

Learn more